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Backwoods Cigar Single Pack

Backwoods Cigar Single Pack

Regular price $6.99
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Backwoods Cigars are machine-made cigars crafted by ITG Cigars in the Dominican Republic using short filler tobacco. These rustic, uniquely designed cigars are a favorite for weekend parties and getaways, offering a classic cheroot experience that evokes the rugged charm of a cowboy or cowgirl on a western movie set. With a frayed end, tapered body, and unfinished head, Backwoods Cigars stand apart from regular cigars in both appearance and smoking experience. Available in a variety of self-explanatory flavors, they come in a package of 5 cigars. Recently, these cigars have started shipping in plain packaging to Canada. Dimensions: 15 × 7 × 1.5 cm.

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